半年前にPublishされた論文が、掲載誌のMost Read Article のTop10に依然ランクインしていますが、現在期間限定でfree accessになっているよようです。

-My three must-have tools for the most effective LE surgery-
1. ICG lymphography (Pre-Op)
2. Ultra High- frequency Ultrasound (Pre-Op)
3. ★ Laser Tomography (Intra-Op)★
Our latest research article “Intraoperative Real-Time Visualization of the Lymphatic Vessels Using Microscope-Integrated Laser Tomography” , a half years after publication, still has been ranked in the top 10 MOST READ article in JRM.
Fortunately, JRM is now sharing our article free link for a limited time !!
It is the first report that used Laser Tomography (OCT) to evaluate real-time not only lymphatic degeneration status but also patency of the LVA sites intraoperatively for maximizing the effect of LVA.We strongly believe this advanced imaging technology is going to evoke a paradigm shift in the field of Lymphedema supermicrosurgery.I would like to thank my mentors & comrades again, Dr.Hide Yoshim, Dr.Johnson Chia-Shen Yang, Dr.Guiseppe Visconti, Pukky Sasithorn and Prof. Jp Hong for kind guidance of this project.

林明辰 Akitatsu Hayashi
リンパ浮腫センター センター長