
今年は、Supermicrosurgery with Supervisionについて、国内ではJSPRS, APFSRM、海外ではイタリア・中国・台湾・アメリカで講演を予定しています。
It’s been 3 years since we started using Ultra High-Frequency Ultrasound.
We had wondered and tested with this ultrasound whether to see if we can identify the lymphatic vessels and true perforators more clearly and convinced.
In particular, NO one believed that we can see lymphatics and their movement without contrast medium before.
We, Jp Hong, Marzia Salgarello, Giuseppe Visconti, Hide Yoshim, Guido Giacalone and I have tried to prove the practicality and usability of this ultrasound for lymphatic surgery and reconstructive microsurgery.
Nowadays, many plastic surgeon starts using this ultrasound for not only these surgeries but also other fields, and they are enjoying surgery with supervision.
I never doubt that the power to believe and true colleagues are always important for innovation.
If you are interested in using ultrasound for microsurgery, come to Rome for the Second ultrasound symposium for reconstructive microsurgery this June 26-27.
The question never ends for microsurgery and supermicrosurgery…Looking forward to seeing you in Rome.

林明辰 Akitatsu Hayashi
リンパ浮腫センター センター長