イギリスのGuys’ and St. Thomas’ HospitalからDr. Geoffrey Chan、インドネシアのDharmais hopsital National Cancer Center からDr. Dewi Aisiyah Mukarramahのお2人が、約2週間僕の手術、検査、外来の見学に来てくださいました。

Dr. Dewi Aisiyah Mukarrama from Dharmais hopsital National Cancer Center, Indonesi & Dr. Geffrey Chan from St. Thomas’ Hospital, UK visited us. Had a great time for sharing our knowledge of management of lymphedema and Supermicro-Visualization technique for lymphedema surgery. They aspire to bring new ideas and further develop the field of lymphedema surgery in their country. Great having you here as part of the Lymphedema unit team of Kameda Medical Center.
Also Dr. Waraporn Imruetai from Thailand visited our department for 2 weeks. Although she is great breast surgeon, I learned a lot from her because her questions were always sharp. I really impressed by her insightfulness and sharp-eye.
May good fortune follow you in the future path ahead and see you around soon !!!

林明辰 Akitatsu Hayashi
リンパ浮腫センター センター長