スペインから、Paloma Malagon 医師が見学に来てくださいました。過密日程にも関わらず、術前検査・手術・術後評価まで、全て真剣に見学されていました。彼女のように本気で真剣に見学に来られる海外若手ドクターの姿を見ると、僕自身も身の引き締まる思いがします。

Thank you Dr.Pal Malagon from Spain for joining the team! We were very impressed with her positive learning attitude despite rushed programs. She always asked sharp questions based on good fundamental thinking. Hope you bring back what you learned and incorporate into your practice back home. I am sure we will be hearing a lot of new ideas from her in the near future. Pukky Sasithorn and myself wish you the best! Safe journey back. Always welcome back to Big Nature Kamogawa !

林明辰 Akitatsu Hayashi
リンパ浮腫センター センター長