この度、亀田総合病院リンパ浮腫センターは、アメリカNYに本部を置くNPO、Lymphatic Education and Research Networkより厳しい審査を経まして、リンパ浮腫手術の世界基準を満たした医療機関としてアジア・日本初の認証を受けましたので、御報告いたします。
Lymphatic Education & Research Network

It is an honor that Kameda Lymphedema Center has been the first asian designated Surgical Centers of Excellence by the Lymphatic Education & Research Network (LE&RN).LE&RN is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization whose mission is to fight lymphatic disease and lymphedema through education, research and advocacy. LE&RN provides valuable educational resources for the millions of people who suffer from lymphedema and lymphatic disease.Center designation awards are determined solely by the Global Oversight Committee of LE&RN.Our center is always focusing on both global and local concerns!