今回は名誉あることに、国際委員会のメンバー・facultyに選出して頂き、Instructional course とPanelでの2つの発表、Panelでの座長を務めてまいります。また、直後のローマでのシンポでも発表とライブデモをしてきます。何よりも、世界中の仲間たちに会えるのが楽しみです!
10th congress of World Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery (WSRM) 2019 will start soon in Bologna, Italy. Very honored to attend WSRM this year as international faculty member and invited speaker (2 speeches in Instructional course and Panel session & 1 moderator in Panel). Looking forward to share new techniques, concepts and knowledge with the microsurgeons and supermicrosurgeons globally. Also, will do presentation and Live-demonstration in official post-congress in Rome, WORLD FIRST SYMPOSIUM ULTRASOUNDS IN RECONSTRUCTIVE MICROSURGERY.
I never doubt it will be a fruitful week.
I have to thank committee members and colleagues for giving these precious opportunities. See you soon in Bologna !

林明辰 Akitatsu Hayashi
リンパ浮腫センター センター長