4th IRM 【Imaging in Reconstructive Microsurgery 】will be held as official WSRM post-congress on June 5, 2022 in Cancun.
Check out our amazing program which covers all the aspect of Imaging in Recon Micro with Stellar Faculty!
Have you ever heard about Ultra High-Frequency Ultrasound in Microsurgery?
Dr. Paloma Malagon will introduce this new technology and invites you to the Official WSRM 2022 post congress
Due to the unexpected high number of registrations, deadline for regular registration has been extended until April 30th.
Please visit https://wsrm2022.com/ and register from here!

★New English website
★Instagram リンク
★取材依頼 info@lymphedema.tokyo

林明辰 Akitatsu Hayashi
リンパ浮腫センター センター長