ハーバード大学主催のリンパ浮腫治療学会、Boston Lymphatic Symposiumにパネリストとして招待していただき、講演させていただきました。これまで参加したリンパ浮腫の学会の中で、最先端で最もレベルが高く、また刺激を頂きました。

Had a good time taking part at the Boston Lymphatic Symposium organized by BIDMC – Harvard University by Dhruv Singhal , Dr Arin Greene and Bernard Lee.
Very happy to join the panel “Emerging Technologies in Lymphatic Imaging” – A Focus on High Frequency Ultrasound & Demonstration session as invited speaker with Jp Hong and Giuseppe Visconti .
My lecture was ” How to distinguish lymphatics from veins and nerves in ultrasound? ” , focus on the instructional guidance. Jp provided evidences on how to choose LVA incision sites, and Giuseppe presented lymphedema staging with ultrasound for planning surgery. Also, another panel “Lymphatic surgery” with Peter Neligan and Hide Yoshim was really nice.
It sure was the best lymphatic meeting I’ve attended. The entire program was fantastic. Amazing in-depth discussion with world experts.
Thank you Bernie and Dhruv for the invitation.

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林明辰 Akitatsu Hayashi
リンパ浮腫センター センター長