
Had a good time presenting at the Taiwan Oncoplastic Breast Surgery Society 2020 Annual Meeting 台灣乳房腫瘤手術暨重建醫學會 2020年會.
Presented 2 Topics,
・Microsurgical reconstruction for lymphedema
・Ultra high-frequency US in lymphedema surgery
The presentation included new surgical technique, LyST(Lymphatic system transfer), and the latest developed imaging technique using Ultra high-frequency US.
The era of performing LVA as many as possible blinedly is over. Finding out the lymphatic vessels which have responsibility for lymphedema and selecting the appropriate LVA point preoperatively is the big key for success.
These topics are also described in the new LVA textbook.
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林明辰 Akitatsu Hayashi
リンパ浮腫センター センター長