Invited speakerとして韓国形成総会に参加する前に、韓国最大の大学病院(2500床)の形成外科を訪問してきました。今回光栄なことに、Visiting professorとして講義や術前超音波のライヴデモ、手術参加をさせて頂く機会を頂きました。

I visited Asan Medical Center on 6th&7th Nov. before attending PRS Korea 2019.
This visiting was one of my dream, because here is the one of the finest plasstic surgery department in the world.
It is very honored to be within this outstanding team and share precious time with lovely people as Visiting Professor. The honor is more than I deserve…
I never doubt that here is a role model for a visionary department!!
Thank you Prof. Jp Hong, Prof. JW Choi, Prof. Jin Sup Eom, Prof. Hyunsuk Peter Suh, Prof. John Pak and other staff members for great hospitality in these unforgettable two days!

林明辰 Akitatsu Hayashi
リンパ浮腫センター センター長