- ホーム
- 最新の研究

The research paper “Intraoperative Real-Time Visualization of the Lymphatic Vessels Using Microscope-Integrated Laser Tomography”

The paper entitled “Lymphatic System Transfer for Lymphedema Treatment: Transferring the Lymph Nodes with Their Lymphatic Vessels”

The paper entitled “Bedside 3D Visualization of Lymphatic Vessels with a Handheld Multispectral Optoacoustic Tomography Device” on the Journal of Clinical Medicine

The research paper of “Ultra High-frequency Ultrasonographic Imaging with 70 MHz Scanner for Visualization of the Lymphatic Vessels” was accepted and published in PRS Global Open

The paper about the perspective on LVA planning using UHF-US released on PRS

The paper about Ultra-high frequency ultrasound in planning capillary perforator flaps